Members we now have a health insurance option available for you!
We know that the nature of the Jamaican film and tv industry means that there are a lot of independent practitioners out there and we found a JAFTA group insurance plan to make health insurance more affordable and accessible for you through JAFTA’s collaboration with Fraser Fontaine and Kong Insurance Brokers and the MSME Alliance.
Remember our membership is open to persons practicing and/or contributing to the local film and tv industry which includes:
Actors, musicians, personal assistants, grips, gaffers, hosts and personalities, make-up and special effects artists, camera operators, costume designers and stylists, sound operators, editors, directors, producers, screenwriters, graphic artists, set designers and so much more!
Join JAFTA and take advantage of this opportunity. Go to our membership section to apply for JAFTA membership and click on the Benefit now' button to find out more out JAFTA Health Insurance and download the necessary forms.